In 1986, the Cancer Council of Ellis County was formed out of the need for cancer related services. The original steering committee decided on an independent cancer agancy. The CCEC serves people through financial assistance, equipment loans, nutritional supplement vouchers, and sunscreen education. Additionally we continue to educate countless Ellis County residents on cancer related topics.
Serving ellis county since 1986

Financial Services

Nutritional Supplements
Ellis county residents diagnosed with cancer may be eligible for financial assistance from the CCEC. Cancer patients or a representative must submit an application for approval to the CCEC board. If approved, each client could receive up to $1,750 per calendar year.
Qualifying reimbursements include medication, mileage, equipment, and other cancer related expenses that are not covered by insurance.
The application and waiver can be dowloaded below. Once they are completed they should be submitted to the CCEC office.
For cancer patients who require a high calorie diet to support their treatment, the CCEC can assist. We can provide those patients with vouchers for nutritional supplements that are redeemable at either of the Hays Dillon's store locations.
To qualify, patients should ask thier doctor to provide verification that they are a current cancer patient in need of nutritional supplement. Just bring that verification down to the CCEC office to get your vouchers.

Equipment Loans
The CCEC has assistance equipment available free of charge to cancer patients. Additionally, if there is equipment available, the CCEC will assist in short-tern, non-cancer related requests.
Avaiable equipment includes but is not limited to:Wheelchairs, Wigs, Commodes, Canes, Scarves, Stool Risers, Walkers, Hats, and Bath Benches.
Please call to inquire about equipment that is not listed.

Sunscreen Education
The CCEC has sunscreen dispensers permantely installed at area pools and parks. We also have three mobile sunscreen dispensers available free of charge to Ellis County organizations and outdoor events. The dispensers remind residents to not only apply sunscreen but also to slip on a shirt, slap on a hat, and wrap on some sunglasses to stay sun safe.
To check out the mobile dispensers just call the CCEC office and be on the lookout for them in your community.