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Every year the CCEC helps hundereds of cancer patients and their families - can you help us?


As and independent agency, our sources of income include the United Way of Ellis County, the City of Hays, memorials, fundraising, and donations.


Without the generosity of these organizations and individuals we would not be able to impact Ellis County the way that we do. We would not even exist.


Please consider giving to the CCEC so we may continue to deliver services and programs to cancer patients and their families. Help us provide education programs and materials for professionals and lay people. Help us inform the public about cancer prevention, early detection, and SURVIVAL.


All donations to the CCEC are tax deductible. Thank you for your financial support!

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Naming the Cancer Council of Ellis County as a beneficiary under a will or family trust is one of the most meaningful ways to make a gift. 

Your gift ensures that cancer survivors will continue to be supported through their journey. 

Call Paula at 785.625.6653 for information and help with your plans.

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